Spooky lampshades this trope post-Update 2.1: Aerith and Bob: There are only really two prominent characters in Geometry Dash (the vaultkeepers) as a whole (three with the Gatekeeper), being known as Spooky and the Keymaster, them having named their secret coins "Sparky" and "Glubfub" respectively.There are also several sequels on mobile platforms, called Geometry Dash Meltdown (2015), Geometry Dash World (2016) and Geometry Dash SubZero (2017).

There is a lite version containing the first few levels. A new picture teasing Update 2.2 showcasing a spherical gamemode with three rockets attached to its back was released on March 8th, 2017. There are several modes of play: the simple Impossible Game-based jumping square, a spaceship that you must fly up and down, a rolling saw blade that can change gravity, a Flappy Bird-like UFO, a "Wave" which can only move diagonally, a Little Stomper-like robot, and a spider that flips between the floor and ceiling. Don't hit the walls or the ceilings or, heck, avoid the saw blades as well. Geometry Dash came out on iOS on August 13, 2013, and was ported to PC on December 22nd, 2014.

A lot more spikes.In the wide, weird world of The Impossible Game clones, some random guy from Stockholm named Robert Topala decided to make one himself, his creation somehow got more popular on YouTube than the original, and that's how Geometry Dash was born.